One can push any button to make the Blendtec stop, not just pulse…which is probably what a frantic rookie would be doing to try to make it stop when they couldn’t find the “stop” button, so that works out well. Old Vitamixes are made of stainless steel, which would be preferable in some ways, to me, but it would be odd not being able to see the contents of my blender. The reason the Blendtec and Vitamix are both plastic is that glass would break under the power of the motor. Things I’ve Learned Since the First Review Post #Vitamix blender full
We put the full recipe in the Blendtec…and it stopped after 30 seconds and said “Overload.” I’d never seen that before! I wanted to try the regular Blendtec WildSide jar, since I felt like that compared apples to apples pricewise.
The Twister jar of the Blendtec, which is intended for recipes like this one, made a creamy coco-sunbutter too, in about 35-40 seconds, but we could only make 1/3 of the recipe at a time because it’s so much smaller. The Vitamix made a creamy coco-sunbutter in about one minute.
sunflower seeds (we also tried frozen banana pseudo-ice cream, photo above). I showed both containers for the Blendtec and explained our experiment: Vitamix vs.If you hate watching videos, here’s a recap: If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s my slightly negative Blendtec review that I mentioned in the video.
If you can’t view the video above, click Blendtec vs Vitamix Comparison Review to view it on You Tube.